Tuesday, 28 October 2008
missfit productions, (www.missfitproductions.org) was born while at Central to present my MA show – a wonderful experiment in which I mixed performance and film in a photobooth – made out of wood and a computer monitor. This is where it began, this interest in crossing the boundary between the forms.
After graduation I new that if I did not carry on making work straightway, there was a chance I may not make anything at all. Once you graduate it’s so easy to get caught up in life and work and surviving, that the privilege of actually being able to make theatre seems like a luxury most cannot afford.
In 2006...feeling a little lost I became self-employed and began teaching drama, even though I did an MA in writing for performance. I worked with Bigfoot for about 18 months. An opportunity arose to hire a small theatre for a week and I jumped for it. A friend and I went half on the fee and we set up a new festival called WRITE SIDE OF THE BRAIN which invited filmmakers, poets and playwrights to submit their work. Another friend sorted the website, which made missfit real in cyber space, who also sorted out the postcards and made up the logo and before I new it, a producing energy was in force. (In February 2008 Burning Houses and missfit co-produced the second WRITE SIDE OF THE BRAIN festival).
I wanted to do it again, only the second time I was looking for a new angle...the angle was me, a dyslexic writer, a secret poet and an aspiring filmmaker. I knew there had to be more people like me out there. I was convinced that if missfit produced a festival for dyslexic storyteller’s, a new experience of entertainment would blossom on the horizon. The concept of the odd becoming accessible also excited me.
DYS(THE)LEXI open its wings in 2007 - the odd kids were telling their stories and now people were paying to hear them, it was wonderful, I felt like I was building playground and inviting all my friends to play. It had a raw energy to it, a raw and low production quality that somehow worked and continues to work into DYSSING MONADYS.
We are now half way through the DYSSING MONADYS Festival. There have been ups and downs and wonderful moments of complete synergy. Most of all it has been emotional because missfit is creating a playground were the 'odd' kids rule and play their, 'games', even if it is only for one night.
This concept coins the philosophy that 'in the playground we play and by playing we discover, and by discovering we learn and by learning we become all knowing'...Well, this is what I teach my 9 year old drama students :) (MAD ABOUT TALENT WEEKEND PERFORMING ARTS)
Every night I learn something new about the kind of theatre I want to be part of. The kind of event I want to create. I discover the possibilities and limitations of my own imagination and will. (Like I said...its been emotional)
So, how do you make good theatre and build a great festival? Bottom line, money because money means good lights, technicians, props, design, costume, salary, venue...and everyone seems impressed with the smell of it too.
If you don't have money, you hope to have some of the magic that money cannot buy. This magic is priceless and being so really hard to cultivate. But it can be found in the people you work with, their generosity and faith in what you are trying to do and these three words, Magic, Generosity, and Faith have made DYSSING MONADYS happen.
I would like to say thank you to the writes, filmmakers, poets, directors, actors and every audience member who has believed in my playground and invite other missfits to get in touch as I am always looking for good storymakers.
Next year I want to co-produce with a company bigger then missfit and am always looking for these creative partnerships so please do email me at dysthelexi@gmail.com. Please visit http://dysthelexi.blogspot.com for up to the minute information on the festival.
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Emma Elliott - The Dog and Duck Fables
Saturday, 25 October 2008
MONDAY 20th Oct
So, just to give people the low down - those who could not make it on Monday. We kidded off with short animations followed by a short film and then my play, which, compared to last week, was a huge sucsess.
Thursday, 16 October 2008
A Duck's eye view of a dog's world. Emma is a writer, A duck's eye view of a dog's world. Occupation: writer – performing poet – teacher – therapist – professional speaker. Aim: empower - inspire – enlighten. Emma's latest book: 'Back to the Sky: how to fly with DYSLEXIA' is to be published by Olympia Publishers this year. www.olympiapublishers.com
Emma's current performance is a collection of fables called The Dog and Duck Fables. These powerful fables share valuable lessons: to embrace your true nature, to put down the boxing gloves and find inner peace, to face inner fear and to follow your inner calling. Emma_Elliott88@hotmail.com
MONDAY 20th October
by Anita Gallo
Anita Gallo is passionate about writing, Anita has had a theatre play performed at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe (2006) and short films screened on Sky TV (2007-08). Ceri Mill (playing Katie) and Morven Scott (playing Miriam).
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Monday 13th Oct 2008 - Chocolate Sabotage
By lennie varvarides
What a night...Talk about waiting till the eleventh hour, but we all pulled it off, even with the last minute changes like adding live music on the night, adding waitress, i mean actors to new scenes, stepping in on the day of the show with trays of food, I mean cakes, I mean chocolate eclairs, and if all this was not enough to test the best actors in the world, our first show was in fact our dress rehearsal. The very first time the whole cast was together and performing with all their props and waring their costumes.
What a show...the joys of low budget productions and gorilla marketing to get the job done. To keep going and keep believing in what you are going for. I love it. I really love it...even when everything goes wrong. Thank God we have Monday 20th to put it all right.
Dyslexia Awareness Week
I decided send them an email about the festival and about the 20th Oct in particular as that is the show on during awareness week.
I am now going to email the E&D departments of other London Uni's and see if they can incorporate the festival into their awareness week events.
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Monday 13 October 2008
We have animation by Sarah Murphy & Tasha Hollywood and poetry Sarah Murphy
and theatre and...cakes, well they are not cakes, they are chocolate eclairs.....
Chocolate Sabotage
by Lennie Varvarides
directed by Lennie Varvarides
cast: Alex Tanner, Louise Morelll, Claire Rafferty, Chryssanthy Kofidou
Monday, 6 October 2008
Sunday, 5 October 2008
LD by Matt Heftler
LD is about the relationship between Mike Green, a crabby and frustrated dyslexic novelist and his new no nonsense editor, Tracey Johnston. Tracey's son, Kenny is also dyslexic and she doesn't know how to handle his disability. Whilst working with Mike she learns of the physical and emotional difficulties that are part of being dyslexic. Through this new relationship, Mike also discovers how to cope better with his disabilities.
Graduated from Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts. Credits include, Madame de Tourvel in Les Liaisons Dangereuses, Sarah in O Go My Man. Mira in Pluto (Grit Productions/Mokita Productions - Blue Elephant Theatre) and Gemma in Involution (Mokita Productions - Pacific Playhouse and then Pleasance Dome for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival). She was a finalist for the 2007 Alan Bates Bursary offered by the Actor's Centre and assessed by a prestigious panel including Janet Suzman and Anton Lesser. Short films, including Dulcie in The Most Important Question You Will Ever Ask (Storm56). Samhops@hotmail.com